Rang | Nom | Cat | Num | Temps | Temps |
1 | TEAM SRS (360) | Elite (1) | 1101734 | 00:26:57,12 | 00:26:57 (1) |
2 | TIERCé GAGNANT (379) | Elite (2) | 1101733 | 00:27:30,70 | 00:27:30 (2) |
3 | Les Stormtroopers (294) | Rx (1) | 1070271 | 00:27:31,78 | 00:27:31 (3) |
4 | THORUS WEST (361) | Elite (3) | 1071969 | 00:27:38,20 | 00:27:38 (4) |
5 | Team 7.2 (312) | Rx (2) | 1069546 | 00:27:44,81 | 00:27:44 (5) |
6 | PWRD BY COFFEE (372) | Elite (4) | 1069551 | 00:28:11,26 | 00:28:11 (6) |
7 | Hybrid Theory (289) | Rx (3) | 1070077 | 00:28:12,15 | 00:28:12 (7) |
8 | 197 Para c'est ta molle (287) | Rx (4) | 1071103 | 00:28:23,29 | 00:28:23 (8) |
9 | Team STENSED (368) | Elite (5) | 1070845 | 00:28:25,08 | 00:28:25 (9) |
10 | MNG (279) | Rx (5) | 1070114 | 00:28:33,49 | 00:28:33 (10) |
11 | TEAM NUTRIPURE (366) | Elite (6) | 1074543 | 00:28:34,66 | 00:28:34 (11) |
12 | RÉSILIENCE SKILL (352) | Elite (7) | 1070477 | 00:28:37,07 | 00:28:37 (12) |
13 | Sortie scolaire (362) | Elite (8) | 1070945 | 00:28:48,25 | 00:28:48 (13) |
14 | CROSSFIT KALLISTE (356) | Elite (9) | 1071115 | 00:28:55,42 | 00:28:55 (14) |
15 | GROS-PLANT Programing (192) | Inter (1) | 1071006 | 00:29:01,26 | 00:29:01 (15) |
16 | Les Remplaçants (345) | Elite (10) | 1069632 | 00:29:04,66 | 00:29:04 (16) |
17 | ADN Crew (307) | Rx (6) | 1070218 | 00:29:06,19 | 00:29:06 (17) |
18 | Ninos de cucarachas (283) | Rx (7) | 1070281 | 00:29:11,38 | 00:29:11 (18) |
19 | crop top ou nada (373) | Elite (11) | 1069588 | 00:29:14,77 | 00:29:14 (19) |
20 | 1-2-3 soleil (313) | Rx (8) | 1070922 | 00:29:15,98 | 00:29:15 (20) |
21 | WHWS MINDSET (357) | Elite (12) | 1071181 | 00:29:17,09 | 00:29:17 (23) |
22 | Team Pectoboule (271) | Rx (9) | 1070018 | 00:29:17,11 | 00:29:17 (22) |
23 | Les lardons de l’Est (220) | Rx (10) | 1089147 | 00:29:17,23 | 00:29:17 (21) |
24 | Les clampins (347) | Elite (13) | 1070854 | 00:29:19,05 | 00:29:19 (25) |
25 | Ladder Bench ? (291) | Rx (11) | 1069607 | 00:29:19,38 | 00:29:19 (24) |
26 | BEERS CHEESE & ESCARGOT (367) | Elite (14) | 1071384 | 00:29:21,12 | 00:29:21 (26) |
27 | GOOD’Z *OB (164) | Inter (2) | 1069693 | 00:29:23,75 | 00:29:23 (27) |
28 | Persée Family (329) | Elite (15) | 1070161 | 00:29:26,03 | 00:29:26 (28) |
29 | EMY ET SES NATTIS (320) | Elite (16) | 1070112 | 00:29:29,70 | 00:29:29 (29) |
30 | Happy Humble Hungry (325) | Elite (17) | 1070753 | 00:29:30,58 | 00:29:30 (30) |
31 | CROSSFIT SERVAL (369) | Elite (18) | 1071031 | 00:29:32,05 | 00:29:32 (31) |
32 | BEER CHEESE AND FRICANDELLE (364) | Elite (19) | 1070143 | 00:29:33,97 | 00:29:33 (32) |
33 | CROCO FAMILY (285) | Rx (12) | 1069537 | 00:29:34,32 | 00:29:34 (33) |
34 | VKT APTA HOLIDAYS (337) | Elite (20) | 1070693 | 00:29:36,45 | 00:29:36 (34) |
35 | TEAM CENTANS (92) | Scaled (1) | 1069610 | 00:29:49,77 | 00:29:49 (36) |
36 | Team Rage N Fury (324) | Elite (21) | 1070083 | 00:29:53,24 | 00:29:53 (37) |
37 | On gagnera pas le run cette année (311) | Rx (13) | 1071503 | 00:29:56,80 | 00:29:56 (38) |
38 | BURPEES 2.0 (293) | Rx (14) | 1074225 | 00:29:58,67 | 00:29:58 (39) |
39 | CrossFit Saintes Crew (242) | Rx (15) | 1070865 | 00:30:01,92 | 00:30:01 (40) |
40 | LES CRACKOS (123) | Inter (3) | 1069711 | 00:30:05,45 | 00:30:05 (41) |
41 | ICE CREAM (251) | Rx (16) | 1069533 | 00:30:06,43 | 00:30:06 (42) |
42 | No more Poulidor (305) | Rx (17) | 1070014 | 00:30:07,73 | 00:30:07 (43) |
43 | SPIRITED MINDED (375) | Elite (22) | 1072042 | 00:30:09,80 | 00:30:09 (45) |
44 | Une Triplette de Compet' (87) | Scaled (2) | 1069721 | 00:30:09,98 | 00:30:09 (44) |
45 | La tise avant tout (193) | Inter (4) | 1070908 | 00:30:11,35 | 00:30:11 (46) |
46 | SOUND OF NAYA (353) | Elite (23) | 1069631 | 00:30:13,29 | 00:30:13 (47) |
47 | Tlett Hoxnin (152) | Inter (5) | 1070829 | 00:30:16,13 | 00:30:16 (48) |
48 | Ma 1ère avec papa et maman (315) | Rx (18) | 1069710 | 00:30:16,36 | 00:30:16 (49) |
49 | LA PRIMERA DE FRATERNITAT (323) | Elite (24) | 1069560 | 00:30:18,49 | 00:30:18 (50) |
50 | TEAM GCP (229) | Rx (19) | 1071180 | 00:30:19,95 | 00:30:19 (51) |
51 | Les pottocks et l’asperge de genum (332) | Elite (25) | 1071079 | 00:30:24,28 | 00:30:24 (52) |
52 | Keep Smiling (336) | Elite (26) | 1070256 | 00:30:24,41 | 00:30:24 (53) |
53 | TAKE A BUS (264) | Rx (20) | 1070486 | 00:30:28,87 | 00:30:28 (55) |
54 | Vikings Training Sugar Daddies (314) | Rx (21) | 1069979 | 00:30:30,67 | 00:30:30 (56) |
55 | Burpees to Bucket (144) | Inter (6) | 1069768 | 00:30:31,42 | 00:30:31 (57) |
56 | EPMS (115) | Inter (7) | 1070178 | 00:30:34,52 | 00:30:34 (58) |
57 | Saucisse Truffade (331) | Elite (27) | 1071089 | 00:30:34,64 | 00:30:34 (59) |
58 | La Trouplette (140) | Inter (8) | 1069776 | 00:30:35,28 | 00:30:35 (60) |
59 | Premier rencard à 3 (322) | Elite (28) | 1070772 | 00:30:36 | 00:30:36 (62) |
60 | Sur une rumba.. La Team Pulsation! (310) | Rx (22) | 1069845 | 00:30:36,74 | 00:30:36 (61) |
61 | CASTELLIO BEACH (65) | Scaled (3) | 1070913 | 00:30:38,09 | 00:30:38 (63) |
62 | Brigade Anti Zahia (B.A.Z) ? (183) | Inter (9) | 1069789 | 00:30:40,23 | 00:30:40 (64) |
63 | LES COCOS DBS 83 (365) | Elite (29) | 1071104 | 00:30:40,28 | 00:30:40 (65) |
64 | Léon Programming (181) | Inter (10) | 1069594 | 00:30:41,11 | 00:30:41 (66) |
65 | Daddys and baby (235) | Rx (23) | 1071133 | 00:30:41,58 | 00:30:41 (67) |
66 | Adamantium Cartel Gym (316) | Rx (24) | 1071061 | 00:30:41,68 | 00:30:41 (68) |
67 | Thorus East (349) | Elite (30) | 1072259 | 00:30:43,92 | 00:30:43 (69) |
68 | CORSU ET LES FATIGANTS (207) | Master (1) | 1070458 | 00:30:45,60 | 00:30:45 (70) |
69 | Les râleurs (233) | Rx (25) | 1069579 | 00:30:47,77 | 00:30:47 (71) |
70 | CF L’ENTREPOT (256) | Rx (26) | 1070147 | 00:30:48,23 | 00:30:48 (72) |
71 | Moustache et ça débâche (44) | Scaled (4) | 1069729 | 00:30:49,85 | 00:30:49 (73) |
72 | Beers cheese and Reborn (343) | Elite (31) | 1070765 | 00:30:49,96 | 00:30:49 (74) |
73 | CrossFit Montpellier (281) | Rx (27) | 1069749 | 00:30:50,79 | 00:30:50 (75) |
74 | Crossfit serval 2 (150) | Inter (11) | 1069750 | 00:30:51,02 | 00:30:51 (76) |
75 | DORA ET SES EXPLORATEURS (341) | Elite (32) | 1070644 | 00:30:52,52 | 00:30:52 (77) |
76 | Chouchou, Beignet, Banane du Brésil (266) | Rx (28) | 1070302 | 00:30:53,11 | 00:30:53 (78) |
77 | LES INCONNUS AU BATAILLON (64) | Scaled (5) | 1070386 | 00:30:58,49 | 00:30:28 (54) |
78 | LET'S FUCKING GO BB (265) | Rx (29) | 1071504 | 00:31:00,46 | 00:31:00 (80) |
79 | CF Saint Pierre Du Mont (153) | Inter (12) | 1070314 | 00:31:00,61 | 00:31:00 (79) |
80 | Santé Bondy on est RE-Là (296) | Rx (30) | 1069520 | 00:31:00,68 | 00:31:00 (81) |
81 | Les Gadjis de Marmule Fabric (301) | Rx (31) | 1075421 | 00:31:01,44 | 00:31:01 (82) |
82 | ????? ? ?????? (355) | Elite (33) | 1070031 | 00:31:02,57 | 00:31:02 (83) |
83 | MASTER MONSTER HUNTER (257) | Rx (32) | 1070213 | 00:31:03,49 | 00:31:03 (84) |
84 | Meilleurs au bar que sous les barres (263) | Rx (33) | 1070215 | 00:31:07,33 | 00:31:07 (85) |
85 | les trompettes (172) | Inter (13) | 1070096 | 00:31:08,47 | 00:31:08 (87) |
86 | Team TBD (167) | Inter (14) | 1070180 | 00:31:08,56 | 00:31:08 (86) |
87 | Les gnocchis (25) | Scaled (6) | 1072769 | 00:31:09,43 | 00:31:09 (88) |
88 | ADAMANTIUM CARTEL (143) | Inter (15) | 1071072 | 00:31:11,72 | 00:31:11 (89) |
89 | LES NIMOIS (210) | Master (2) | 1070144 | 00:31:12,44 | 00:31:12 (90) |
90 | NUTRIPURE AND PULPY (376) | Elite (34) | 1071949 | 00:31:13,48 | 00:31:13 (92) |
91 | TEAM WOD ADDICT (58) | Scaled (7) | 1073480 | 00:31:13,54 | 00:31:13 (91) |
92 | NAINBUS 3000 (304) | Rx (34) | 1069961 | 00:31:14,51 | 00:31:14 (94) |
93 | Los Bandoleros (295) | Rx (35) | 1071562 | 00:31:14,58 | 00:31:14 (93) |
94 | Reveal Prog Braziiiil (185) | Inter (16) | 1070449 | 00:31:18,09 | 00:31:18 (95) |
95 | BARBELL N' BEER (371) | Elite (35) | 1071956 | 00:31:20,86 | 00:31:20 (96) |
96 | TEAM CENTANS (363) | Elite (36) | 1071305 | 00:31:22,80 | 00:31:22 (97) |
97 | Kastamaster Class (216) | Master (3) | 1070410 | 00:31:24,33 | 00:31:24 (98) |
98 | IMPECCABLES (184) | Inter (17) | 1070009 | 00:31:26,16 | 00:31:26 (100) |
99 | ON S’EST TROMPé, ON VOULAIT SURFER (176) | Inter (18) | 1071323 | 00:31:26,77 | 00:31:26 (99) |
100 | FRAK’ASS ENOSIS-CFTC (374) | Elite (37) | 1070984 | 00:31:30,94 | 00:31:30 (102) |
101 | OPÉRATION REMONTADA (223) | Rx (36) | 1071477 | 00:31:30,96 | 00:31:30 (101) |
102 | EAST COAST MOTHAFUCKA (303) | Rx (37) | 1070089 | 00:31:33,22 | 00:31:33 (103) |
103 | Rollmops 3.0 (326) | Elite (38) | 1070235 | 00:31:35,95 | 00:31:35 (104) |
104 | Dbs83 (321) | Elite (39) | 1070848 | 00:31:36,56 | 00:31:36 (106) |
105 | Team Pulsation à l’ancienne (132) | Inter (19) | 1069757 | 00:31:36,76 | 00:31:36 (105) |
106 | Le G et ses pupuces (334) | Elite (40) | 1071453 | 00:31:37,41 | 00:31:37 (107) |
107 | Crossfit Albi (273) | Rx (38) | 1070768 | 00:31:38,06 | 00:31:38 (109) |
108 | Dark IFS (142) | Inter (20) | 1071588 | 00:31:38,41 | 00:31:38 (108) |
109 | 92i (244) | Rx (39) | 1070430 | 00:31:40,49 | 00:31:40 (110) |
110 | Les Princesses (351) | Elite (41) | 1071122 | 00:31:43,03 | 00:31:43 (112) |
111 | KASTA MADAFAKA (24) | Scaled (8) | 1071563 | 00:31:43,77 | 00:31:43 (111) |
112 | DARKZONE TRAINING (328) | Elite (42) | 1071139 | 00:31:44,63 | 00:31:44 (113) |
113 | The roots of minimes (209) | Master (4) | 1070041 | 00:31:45,24 | 00:31:45 (114) |
114 | Madilex Custom (280) | Rx (40) | 1070100 | 00:31:46,22 | 00:31:46 (116) |
115 | TEAM CYBELE (117) | Inter (21) | 1070223 | 00:31:46,43 | 00:31:46 (115) |
116 | TEAM CFLX (149) | Inter (22) | 1070465 | 00:31:47,25 | 00:31:47 (117) |
117 | PATXOKAS (161) | Inter (23) | 1070783 | 00:31:50,32 | 00:31:50 (118) |
118 | Human First CrossFit (269) | Rx (41) | 1069552 | 00:31:52,43 | 00:31:52 (119) |
119 | Elle soulève vos daronnes sous ventoline (308) | Rx (42) | 1069564 | 00:31:57,29 | 00:31:57 (120) |
120 | Les Mégalocons (262) | Rx (43) | 1071073 | 00:32:00,73 | 00:32:00 (121) |
121 | Rougail Saucisse (155) | Inter (24) | 1071325 | 00:32:01,98 | 00:32:01 (122) |
122 | Les Fûts-nambules (253) | Rx (44) | 1071003 | 00:32:02,32 | 00:32:02 (123) |
123 | la chevalière (12) | Scaled (9) | 1071321 | 00:32:03,26 | 00:32:03 (124) |
124 | Crossfit Kalliste 2 (254) | Rx (45) | 1069699 | 00:32:03,51 | 00:32:03 (125) |
125 | #VDM (340) | Elite (43) | 1070475 | 00:32:05,55 | 00:32:05 (126) |
126 | LES 3 FLANS PLASTIK (189) | Inter (25) | 1071631 | 00:32:09,26 | 00:32:09 (127) |
127 | Love n Cuistot (306) | Rx (46) | 1070173 | 00:32:10,10 | 00:32:10 (129) |
128 | Les Coco Boyzzz (215) | Master (5) | 1070498 | 00:32:10,82 | 00:32:10 (128) |
129 | WENDYRECTION (138) | Inter (26) | 1069781 | 00:32:13,76 | 00:32:13 (130) |
130 | Silver Coast (154) | Inter (27) | 1070259 | 00:32:14,12 | 00:32:14 (131) |
131 | IN TESTO WE TRUST (275) | Rx (47) | 1070068 | 00:32:14,60 | 00:32:14 (132) |
132 | Team Flamby (116) | Inter (28) | 1069644 | 00:32:16,56 | 00:32:16 (133) |
133 | Roland Kairos (317) | Rx (48) | 1071493 | 00:32:19,60 | 00:32:19 (134) |
134 | PROG FIRST TIME (370) | Elite (44) | 1069574 | 00:32:21,15 | 00:32:21 (135) |
135 | Las paellas (74) | Scaled (10) | 1071399 | 00:32:22,90 | 00:32:22 (136) |
136 | KAUJ (250) | Rx (49) | 1070312 | 00:32:23,11 | 00:32:23 (137) |
137 | Team FSB (70) | Scaled (11) | 1069675 | 00:32:24,73 | 00:32:24 (138) |
138 | La fleur au fusil (169) | Inter (29) | 1070397 | 00:32:26,52 | 00:32:26 (139) |
139 | La piraterie (28) | Scaled (12) | 1071530 | 00:32:28,24 | 00:32:28 (141) |
140 | Coucou mes ptites pupuces (302) | Rx (50) | 1071166 | 00:32:28,25 | 00:32:28 (142) |
141 | Alice et les toulousains (330) | Elite (45) | 1070862 | 00:32:28,29 | 00:32:28 (143) |
142 | Brittany et ses Chipmunks (9) | Scaled (13) | 1070974 | 00:32:28,83 | 00:32:28 (140) |
143 | AUCUNE IDéE, T'AS UNE IDéE ? (128) | Inter (30) | 1071121 | 00:32:29,33 | 00:32:29 (144) |
144 | Les Angevins (222) | Rx (51) | 1069555 | 00:32:29,99 | 00:32:29 (145) |
145 | Totale impro (59) | Scaled (14) | 1069950 | 00:32:31,19 | 00:32:31 (146) |
146 | CrossFit La Cabane (243) | Rx (52) | 1069539 | 00:32:31,45 | 00:32:31 (147) |
147 | La Bretagne ça vous gagne (89) | Scaled (15) | 1069536 | 00:32:33,13 | 00:32:33 (149) |
148 | Les Plum’al embarqués (41) | Scaled (16) | 1070087 | 00:32:33,63 | 00:32:33 (148) |
149 | Les zoolypiques (248) | Rx (53) | 1071663 | 00:32:34,11 | 00:32:34 (151) |
150 | LA RELèVE (171) | Inter (31) | 1070997 | 00:32:34,81 | 00:32:34 (150) |
151 | La belle, la brute et le truand (100) | Inter (32) | 1070656 | 00:32:35,01 | 00:32:35 (152) |
152 | Team M.D.A (131) | Inter (33) | 1070869 | 00:32:36,43 | 00:32:36 (153) |
153 | LES GROS DE GFT (272) | Rx (54) | 1071120 | 00:32:38,19 | 00:32:38 (154) |
154 | OLD BUT GOGOLD (211) | Master (6) | 1070148 | 00:32:39,03 | 00:32:39 (156) |
155 | BAGA TEAM (190) | Inter (34) | 1069637 | 00:32:39,48 | 00:32:39 (155) |
156 | EUUUH EUUUUHH (246) | Rx (55) | 1070696 | 00:32:40,87 | 00:32:40 (157) |
157 | TRIPLE A (286) | Rx (56) | 1069714 | 00:32:40,97 | 00:32:40 (158) |
158 | Les Alcoolytes (86) | Scaled (17) | 1071642 | 00:32:41,41 | 00:32:41 (159) |
159 | 2 Cafés et 1 Gourmand (151) | Inter (35) | 1070090 | 00:32:41,64 | 00:32:41 (160) |
160 | Drink Team (103) | Inter (36) | 1069582 | 00:32:42,77 | 00:32:42 (161) |
161 | Nice too meet you (342) | Elite (46) | 1069523 | 00:32:43,38 | 00:32:43 (163) |
162 | Les gym’nazes (21) | Scaled (18) | 1070960 | 00:32:43,53 | 00:32:43 (162) |
163 | Team popcorn (261) | Rx (57) | 1071159 | 00:32:44,34 | 00:32:44 (164) |
164 | Deux émoussés, un aiguisé ! (350) | Elite (47) | 1069623 | 00:32:44,36 | 00:32:44 (165) |
165 | Galletini Biskuttini (180) | Inter (37) | 1070770 | 00:32:47,86 | 00:32:47 (166) |
166 | Romane et les minimoys (109) | Inter (38) | 1069777 | 00:32:51,68 | 00:32:51 (167) |
167 | On peut perdre 15 WOD mais pas 15..Ah oui on peut! (208) | Master (7) | 1070108 | 00:32:54 | 00:32:54 (169) |
168 | Les lung’gonnais (240) | Rx (58) | 1071144 | 00:32:54,05 | 00:32:54 (170) |
169 | Malta Trio (170) | Inter (39) | 1070152 | 00:32:54,41 | 00:32:54 (168) |
170 | bronzette (179) | Inter (40) | 1070780 | 00:32:55,57 | 00:32:55 (171) |
171 | LES TOTALLY SPIES (191) | Inter (41) | 1070362 | 00:32:55,63 | 00:32:55 (172) |
172 | Jaune et Jul (130) | Inter (42) | 1070682 | 00:32:59,51 | 00:32:59 (174) |
173 | Team Panchoubi (282) | Rx (59) | 1070752 | 00:33:02,35 | 00:33:02 (176) |
174 | On a sorti Papi (14) | Scaled (19) | 1072526 | 00:33:02,58 | 00:33:02 (175) |
175 | TEAM CROSSFIT MURET (213) | Master (8) | 1071397 | 00:33:03,08 | 00:33:03 (177) |
176 | Les Cybeliens (88) | Scaled (20) | 1071047 | 00:33:06,80 | 00:33:06 (178) |
177 | Sea, snatch & fun (205) | Master (9) | 1070021 | 00:33:10,52 | 00:33:10 (180) |
178 | EARNED X MAYNE (68) | Scaled (21) | 1069545 | 00:33:10,65 | 00:33:10 (179) |
179 | Les petites perruches (107) | Inter (43) | 1069708 | 00:33:12,14 | 00:33:12 (181) |
180 | KORRIGAN PROGRAMMING (249) | Rx (60) | 1070744 | 00:33:13,10 | 00:33:13 (182) |
181 | En forçant ça passe (202) | Master (10) | 1070030 | 00:33:14,61 | 00:33:14 (183) |
182 | OVERTAKE (354) | Elite (48) | 1070011 | 00:33:14,70 | 00:33:14 (184) |
183 | Team Poney + Pouliche (163) | Inter (44) | 1069728 | 00:33:16,69 | 00:33:16 (186) |
184 | Emy'chto ² (90) | Scaled (22) | 1070450 | 00:33:16,93 | 00:33:16 (185) |
185 | Papi, Maman et le Neveu (227) | Rx (61) | 1070707 | 00:33:19,81 | 00:33:19 (187) |
186 | Veggie Power (175) | Inter (45) | 1070163 | 00:33:22,50 | 00:33:22 (188) |
187 | Ouistiteam (35) | Scaled (23) | 1069730 | 00:33:23,69 | 00:33:23 (189) |
188 | Beers cheese & chill (228) | Rx (62) | 1070345 | 00:33:25,47 | 00:33:25 (192) |
189 | Les bisounours (126) | Inter (46) | 1069983 | 00:33:25,74 | 00:33:25 (191) |
190 | 3 Décennies (56) | Scaled (24) | 1071169 | 00:33:25,80 | 00:33:25 (190) |
191 | Human in progress (284) | Rx (63) | 1069534 | 00:33:27,02 | 00:33:27 (193) |
192 | La buvette c'est un wod? (67) | Scaled (25) | 1071135 | 00:33:31,28 | 00:33:31 (194) |
193 | Flipper, Pumba et Peppa Pig (186) | Inter (47) | 1070201 | 00:33:34,12 | 00:33:34 (196) |
194 | JuNaCle (119) | Inter (48) | 1070032 | 00:33:34,14 | 00:33:34 (195) |
195 | Power Schnaps (102) | Inter (49) | 1070184 | 00:33:41,01 | 00:33:41 (197) |
196 | Les 2 cagouilles et leur canard gras (6) | Scaled (26) | 1073955 | 00:33:43,33 | 00:33:43 (199) |
197 | Team Morning (133) | Inter (50) | 1069522 | 00:33:48,42 | 00:33:48 (200) |
198 | Adamantium Featuring (346) | Elite (49) | 1070476 | 00:33:54,56 | 00:33:54 (201) |
199 | Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand (201) | Master (11) | 1071194 | 00:33:56,92 | 00:33:56 (202) |
200 | Honey Baby (159) | Inter (51) | 1071417 | 00:33:58,35 | 00:33:58 (203) |
201 | Pélipéro (49) | Scaled (27) | 1070451 | 00:33:59,36 | 00:33:59 (204) |
202 | Princi'premium (129) | Inter (52) | 1070373 | 00:34:03,49 | 00:34:03 (205) |
203 | Un long fleuve tranquille (148) | Inter (53) | 1071437 | 00:34:04,19 | 00:34:04 (206) |
204 | KRIOS à LA PLAGE (1) | Scaled (28) | 1075299 | 00:34:05,22 | 00:34:05 (207) |
205 | SUR UN MALENTENDU (34) | Scaled (29) | 1071045 | 00:34:05,40 | 00:34:05 (208) |
206 | CROSSBEERS (98) | Scaled (30) | 1069970 | 00:34:06,68 | 00:34:06 (209) |
207 | Team Reborn No Cardio (69) | Scaled (31) | 1070356 | 00:34:10,44 | 00:34:10 (210) |
208 | Mulet & Guez (135) | Inter (54) | 1070053 | 00:34:11,64 | 00:34:11 (211) |
209 | Les fous et leur sage (156) | Inter (55) | 1070418 | 00:34:12,21 | 00:34:12 (213) |
210 | Les bêtes et la beau (36) | Scaled (32) | 1070167 | 00:34:12,25 | 00:34:12 (212) |
211 | Les marteaux en plastique (61) | Scaled (33) | 1070027 | 00:34:16,58 | 00:34:16 (214) |
212 | LES PETITS COCHONS DE LAIT (122) | Inter (56) | 1069542 | 00:34:19,12 | 00:34:19 (215) |
213 | Les Mouyous du genou (95) | Scaled (34) | 1070217 | 00:34:20,19 | 00:34:20 (216) |
214 | DUMBELLS & FALAFELS (106) | Inter (57) | 1070179 | 00:34:20,65 | 00:34:20 (217) |
215 | NORTHERN CROSSFIT (224) | Rx (64) | 1069538 | 00:34:26,46 | 00:34:26 (218) |
216 | Crossfit Korrigan (112) | Inter (58) | 1070372 | 00:34:28,20 | 00:34:28 (219) |
217 | T'choupi et ses gardes du corps (288) | Rx (65) | 1070529 | 00:34:28,22 | 00:34:28 (220) |
218 | Essorés (11) | Scaled (35) | 1069572 | 00:34:33,13 | 00:34:33 (221) |
219 | Les Boss (194) | Inter (59) | 1069532 | 00:34:35,10 | 00:34:35 (222) |
220 | Beers cheese and fragilité (255) | Rx (66) | 1070153 | 00:34:36,85 | 00:34:36 (223) |
221 | Les Totally pas doués (30) | Scaled (36) | 1070448 | 00:34:38,01 | 00:34:38 (224) |
222 | Le trouple non consenti (136) | Inter (60) | 1070403 | 00:34:38,57 | 00:34:38 (225) |
223 | Team performe center 64 (267) | Rx (67) | 1070288 | 00:34:41,06 | 00:34:41 (227) |
224 | TEAM KRIOS (247) | Rx (68) | 1074041 | 00:34:41,13 | 00:34:41 (226) |
225 | Les princes et la cousinière (32) | Scaled (37) | 1070779 | 00:34:42,31 | 00:34:42 (228) |
226 | Mojitoes To Bar (121) | Inter (61) | 1069547 | 00:34:44,26 | 00:34:44 (230) |
227 | Trop jeunes pour les masters (33) | Scaled (38) | 1071161 | 00:34:44,29 | 00:34:44 (229) |
228 | POPO ET SES BOBOS (97) | Scaled (39) | 1069578 | 00:34:46,30 | 00:34:46 (231) |
229 | On en a gros (108) | Inter (62) | 1069765 | 00:34:46,32 | 00:34:46 (232) |
230 | HAKUNA J'AI MAL Là (52) | Scaled (40) | 1070119 | 00:34:48,04 | 00:34:48 (233) |
231 | Y’a quoi man (147) | Inter (63) | 1069541 | 00:34:49,08 | 00:34:49 (234) |
232 | Hamburgers végétariens (195) | Inter (64) | 1070701 | 00:34:49,62 | 00:34:49 (235) |
233 | Jesus Marie Joseph (274) | Rx (69) | 1069569 | 00:34:50,32 | 00:34:50 (238) |
234 | VaYaPi (173) | Inter (65) | 1070695 | 00:34:50,48 | 00:34:50 (237) |
235 | Les Tout nus (57) | Scaled (41) | 1070894 | 00:34:50,50 | 00:34:50 (236) |
236 | LA MEUTE ET LE ROI LION (245) | Rx (70) | 1071136 | 00:34:52,77 | 00:34:52 (239) |
237 | Aïe Kick ! (82) | Scaled (42) | 1069980 | 00:34:53,72 | 00:34:53 (240) |
238 | Kairos-Beef le retour (199) | Inter (66) | 1071113 | 00:34:53,73 | 00:34:53 (241) |
239 | Los Touristos (75) | Scaled (43) | 1070166 | 00:34:58,53 | 00:34:58 (243) |
240 | Les Ch’tis À Seignosse (66) | Scaled (44) | 1069562 | 00:34:58,91 | 00:34:58 (242) |
241 | Master Class (200) | Master (12) | 1070154 | 00:35:00,10 | 00:35:00 (245) |
242 | Dopé au jaune (19) | Scaled (45) | 1074302 | 00:35:00,93 | 00:35:00 (244) |
243 | CROSSFIT HERACLES (232) | Rx (71) | 1069599 | 00:35:05,07 | 00:35:05 (248) |
244 | Mat Fraisier, Rich Tuning et Tia Foncé (84) | Scaled (46) | 1069753 | 00:35:05,21 | 00:35:05 (247) |
245 | À UNE ANNéE PRèS (63) | Scaled (47) | 1069613 | 00:35:05,95 | 00:35:05 (246) |
246 | Louvre x J&J (85) | Scaled (48) | 1070156 | 00:35:09,87 | 00:35:09 (249) |
247 | SVELTUS (348) | Elite (50) | 1069540 | 00:35:10,61 | 00:35:10 (250) |
248 | Chichi Churros Beignet (165) | Inter (67) | 1069535 | 00:35:14,06 | 00:35:14 (252) |
249 | les légendes du 59 (236) | Rx (72) | 1070008 | 00:35:14,07 | 00:35:14 (253) |
250 | La belle et les deux bêtes (29) | Scaled (49) | 1070842 | 00:35:14,37 | 00:35:14 (251) |
251 | LIGHT ZONE (196) | Inter (68) | 1070452 | 00:35:15,55 | 00:35:15 (254) |
252 | Les Garçonnes (327) | Elite (51) | 1069954 | 00:35:16,03 | 00:35:16 (256) |
253 | Un poumon pour 3 (168) | Inter (69) | 1070220 | 00:35:16,40 | 00:35:16 (255) |
254 | LA BELLE ET LES BêTES (260) | Rx (73) | 1069677 | 00:35:18,52 | 00:35:18 (257) |
255 | TEAM DELTA (146) | Inter (70) | 1071024 | 00:35:19,28 | 00:35:19 (258) |
256 | LA BOTTE SECRÈTE DE NAYA (292) | Rx (74) | 1070805 | 00:35:20,64 | 00:35:20 (259) |
257 | Pour le nom vous choisirez (333) | Elite (52) | 1069528 | 00:35:25,94 | 00:35:25 (262) |
258 | Plan à 3 (187) | Inter (71) | 1069680 | 00:35:28,84 | 00:35:28 (264) |
259 | Les semi-croustillants (182) | Inter (72) | 1070405 | 00:35:28,87 | 00:35:28 (263) |
260 | Aslak RM Compañeros (124) | Inter (73) | 1069790 | 00:35:32,99 | 00:35:32 (265) |
261 | Crossfit Serval avec un D (104) | Inter (74) | 1070926 | 00:35:33,83 | 00:35:33 (266) |
262 | Coco créoles (290) | Rx (75) | 1070757 | 00:35:38,98 | 00:35:38 (267) |
263 | Sur un malentendu vas-y fonce (94) | Scaled (50) | 1070157 | 00:35:39,30 | 00:35:39 (268) |
264 | DOUBLE DRAGON (276) | Rx (76) | 1069775 | 00:35:40,49 | 00:35:40 (269) |
265 | Le Bon, la Brute et la Truande (40) | Scaled (51) | 1069524 | 00:35:42,38 | 00:35:42 (270) |
266 | Les Mousquitos (134) | Inter (75) | 1069611 | 00:35:44,33 | 00:35:44 (271) |
267 | LA MEUTE II (174) | Inter (76) | 1070165 | 00:35:46,47 | 00:35:46 (272) |
268 | TEAM WOD9 (73) | Scaled (52) | 1070963 | 00:35:48,48 | 00:35:48 (273) |
269 | Zaï Zaï Zaï Zaï! (204) | Master (13) | 1069638 | 00:35:50,84 | 00:35:50 (274) |
270 | 3 jours avec papi et mamie (77) | Scaled (53) | 1071296 | 00:35:58,29 | 00:35:58 (275) |
271 | JULIANNE EMILIEN ET LUCIE (125) | Inter (77) | 1070478 | 00:35:59,38 | 00:35:59 (276) |
272 | Coude you be loved (139) | Inter (78) | 1069550 | 00:36:06,04 | 00:36:06 (277) |
273 | Les Blondinets Claqués (137) | Inter (79) | 1070170 | 00:36:08,12 | 00:36:08 (279) |
274 | Dariomaster (219) | Master (14) | 1071995 | 00:36:08,27 | 00:36:08 (280) |
275 | Salut les Pinzuti (62) | Scaled (54) | 1070284 | 00:36:08,76 | 00:36:08 (278) |
276 | CRéATEAM (31) | Scaled (55) | 1070193 | 00:36:13,45 | 00:36:13 (281) |
277 | Quel putain d’chaleur (93) | Scaled (56) | 1071612 | 00:36:15,29 | 00:36:15 (282) |
278 | LE TRIO-THENTIQUE (15) | Scaled (57) | 1072509 | 00:36:20,05 | 00:36:20 (283) |
279 | GOMAR & SES BOYS (45) | Scaled (58) | 1071186 | 00:36:24,75 | 00:36:24 (284) |
280 | KTP FAMILY (145) | Inter (80) | 1069544 | 00:36:25,08 | 00:36:25 (285) |
281 | Les poulets (27) | Scaled (59) | 1070355 | 00:36:28,99 | 00:36:28 (286) |
282 | CIA (226) | Rx (77) | 1070267 | 00:36:29,74 | 00:36:29 (287) |
283 | Côte de bœuf et côte rôtie (111) | Inter (81) | 1070183 | 00:36:35,64 | 00:36:35 (288) |
284 | Michel Polnorep (4) | Scaled (60) | 1073580 | 00:36:37,28 | 00:36:37 (289) |
285 | Les beers and jerks (225) | Rx (78) | 1070404 | 00:36:39,90 | 00:36:39 (290) |
286 | A qui est le Mont Saint Michel ? (101) | Inter (82) | 1070202 | 00:36:45,99 | 00:36:45 (292) |
287 | Laulau et ses coachs (8) | Scaled (61) | 1071531 | 00:36:46,04 | 00:36:46 (293) |
288 | La coach et ses petits (113) | Inter (83) | 1070810 | 00:36:48,34 | 00:36:48 (294) |
289 | Corte feat Kalliste (160) | Inter (84) | 1070209 | 00:36:53,91 | 00:36:53 (295) |
290 | A défaut d'être forts, on est beaux! (114) | Inter (85) | 1071315 | 00:37:05,97 | 00:37:05 (296) |
291 | Fifi et ses deux bras cassés (48) | Scaled (62) | 1069529 | 00:37:09,15 | 00:37:09 (297) |
292 | ILS N'ONT PAS EU LE CHOIX ! (20) | Scaled (63) | 1069993 | 00:37:11,97 | 00:37:11 (298) |
293 | AFIDA TURNER STAR (76) | Scaled (64) | 1071177 | 00:37:12,51 | 00:37:12 (299) |
294 | can I get some burger (309) | Rx (79) | 1069997 | 00:37:13,56 | 00:37:13 (300) |
295 | Préauchattes (47) | Scaled (65) | 1069682 | 00:37:16,98 | 00:37:16 (301) |
296 | ON VIENS FESTOYER (252) | Rx (80) | 1071551 | 00:37:17,80 | 00:37:17 (302) |
297 | INYOURBOX (71) | Scaled (66) | 1070150 | 00:37:18,97 | 00:37:18 (303) |
298 | Elite dans le coeur, Scaled dans le corps (91) | Scaled (67) | 1071071 | 00:37:23,40 | 00:37:23 (305) |
299 | C'est improbable (80) | Scaled (68) | 1071019 | 00:37:23,96 | 00:37:23 (304) |
300 | La moule et ses rochers (23) | Scaled (69) | 1070310 | 00:37:24,69 | 00:37:24 (306) |
301 | TEAM DEUX BOUUULES (241) | Rx (81) | 1070420 | 00:37:35,05 | 00:37:35 (307) |
302 | La Mule et ses Mulets (221) | Rx (82) | 1069991 | 00:37:36,33 | 00:37:36 (308) |
303 | CA VA PAS MIEUX (26) | Scaled (70) | 1069521 | 00:37:49,98 | 00:37:49 (309) |
304 | Pistoche & baloches (5) | Scaled (71) | 1073084 | 00:37:54,69 | 00:37:54 (310) |
305 | Les Nullos De Cognac (300) | Rx (83) | 1070920 | 00:37:55,27 | 00:37:55 (311) |
306 | Les improbables (55) | Scaled (72) | 1070388 | 00:37:57,74 | 00:37:57 (312) |
307 | L’escadron des cauchemars (270) | Rx (84) | 1069566 | 00:37:59,21 | 00:37:59 (313) |
308 | Louloute & co (7) | Scaled (73) | 1071574 | 00:38:06,02 | 00:38:06 (314) |
309 | Les Tripotanus (53) | Scaled (74) | 1070989 | 00:38:13,29 | 00:38:13 (315) |
310 | HAGA (10) | Scaled (75) | 1071183 | 00:38:18,03 | 00:38:18 (316) |
311 | Sainté c'est la Champion's League (234) | Rx (85) | 1069697 | 00:38:18,54 | 00:38:18 (318) |
312 | Moi moche et méchant (50) | Scaled (76) | 1070374 | 00:38:18,57 | 00:38:18 (317) |
313 | CFC Team (231) | Rx (86) | 1071176 | 00:38:23,41 | 00:38:23 (320) |
314 | Les iles fantastiques (141) | Inter (86) | 1069624 | 00:38:23,67 | 00:38:23 (319) |
315 | Toute Première Fois (16) | Scaled (77) | 1072955 | 00:38:27,13 | 00:38:27 (321) |
316 | New Chance ? (72) | Scaled (78) | 1071635 | 00:38:36,90 | 00:38:36 (322) |
317 | PLUS C'EST LOURD PLUS TU DESCENDS (203) | Master (15) | 1070517 | 00:38:42,92 | 00:38:42 (323) |
318 | Lili et ses bibis (13) | Scaled (79) | 1074019 | 00:38:43,80 | 00:38:43 (324) |
319 | TEAM Luuuu (78) | Scaled (80) | 1070902 | 00:39:09,32 | 00:39:09 (325) |
320 | Les demis portions (162) | Inter (87) | 1070499 | 00:39:09,58 | 00:39:09 (326) |
321 | TEAM MASTER MUGE (96) | Scaled (81) | 1070276 | 00:39:16,19 | 00:39:16 (327) |
322 | Solo mais accompagné (230) | Rx (87) | 1071070 | 00:39:44,66 | 00:39:44 (328) |
323 | Sons of Tanka (237) | Rx (88) | 1086156 | 00:40:00,43 | 00:40:00 (329) |
324 | Ici pour la plage (43) | Scaled (82) | 1069815 | 00:40:15,29 | 00:40:15 (330) |
325 | RESPIRE EN BAS LOUISE ! (166) | Inter (88) | 1070219 | 00:42:38,33 | 00:42:38 (331) |
326 | SAVE YOUR TEARS (37) | Scaled (83) | 1069585 | 01:32:59,72 | 00:32:59 (173) |
327 | LES DALTONS à LA PLAGE (268) | Rx (89) | 1071010 | 01:33:41,18 | 00:33:41 (198) |
328 | LES DERNIERS SERONT LES PREMIERS (2) | Scaled (84) | 1072592 | 01:35:21,24 | 00:35:21 (260) |
329 | DJ SCALED, LE RETOUR (46) | Scaled (85) | 1070824 | 02:35:21,24 | 00:35:21 (261) |
330 | LES OIES SAUVAGES (3) | Scaled (86) | 1072540 | 02:36:44,27 | 00:36:44 (291) |
331 | JUSTE Là POUR LA PISCINE (17) | Scaled (87) | 1074023 | 03:29:48,93 | 00:29:48 (35) |
332 | Charlotte's angels (22) | Scaled | 1071404 | | |
333 | Clean and beer (42) | Scaled | 1071085 | | |
334 | Les Indécis et demi (83) | Scaled | 1070361 | | |
335 | Fast and pas furious (110) | Inter | 1069707 | | |
336 | Mauvais plan à 3 (188) | Inter | 1070906 | | |
337 | MJaucarré (212) | Master | 1071591 | | |
338 | les 34/28 (214) | Master | 1071146 | | |
339 | Papa, Maman et le Chérubin (217) | Master | 1071603 | | |
340 | Team ESP (299) | Rx | 1071165 | | |
341 | Les mercenaires (335) | Elite | 1071162 | | |
342 | Team Basics (344) | Elite | 1070036 | | |